
Lessons Learned from the Dokably App Product Hunt Launch

Once the app's beta version was ready, we decided to test it and start with a launch on Product Hunt. We had one week until launch day, no available money for promotion, and just a team of 2. Learn how to become the #2 Product of the Day on Product Hunt with limitations.
Key results by the morning of 5th May
  1. #2 Product of the Day, #3 Product of the Week
  2. 720 upvotes
  3. 274 comments
  4. Several letters from funds and investor angels with proposals.

Currently, we're vying for a spot among the best products of the month on Product Hunt. If you haven't already, please upvote and comment to help us secure a spot. Your support is still significant to us

By the way, currently, Dokably is running a special early-adopter offer — all features FREE until the end of the year. If you sign up for Dokably right now you can test-drive all the features and get full advantage of the tool, specially built for teams that value time.
A few words about how the Dokably app idea has come to the founder's mind.
On average, each project manager, marketer, and IT creator use more than 5 apps every day. It's easy to lose track of important information like documents, research links, meeting notes, and more. Plus, all those open tabs slow down both your productivity and your browser!

We've all been there – trying to find a way to store all that information in one place without breaking the bank. And that's where Dokably comes in.

Dokably is the one-stop shop for all your project management needs. No need to switch between Notion, Miro, Todoist, Trello, and more. Dokably is perfect for small product teams, startup makers, and freelancers.

Six months ago, Sasha Dikan, the founder of Dokably, approached me with an intriguing idea, and I immediately fell in love with it. As a marketer for startups, I've always had difficulties with knowledge sharing and keeping it all in consistent way. While several tools could cover the necessary requirements, none of them could replace enterprise competitors effectively. What if we could create an all-in-one project management tool that negates the need to switch between multiple apps throughout the day? The challenge was fascinating.

Once the app's beta version was ready, we decided to test it and start with a launch on Product Hunt.

Our primary goal for launching on Product Hunt was to increase Dokably's visibility and generate traction, making early users aware of the product and obtaining honest feedback to align our roadmap with audience needs. We also sought to collect feedback from seasoned product makers and attract investors and funds. Product Hunt's community is known for providing valuable insights, making it the perfect platform for our needs.

We had one week until launch day, no available money for promotion, and just a team of 2.

Complete list of what helped us with such tight time terms.

  • To generate momentum, we warmed up subreddits related to our product on Reddit.
  • Additionally, we shared product-building-related content through relevant communities on Slack, IndieHackers, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • I recommend using the Product Hunt option of creating a Coming Soon page at least three weeks before your launch day.
  • Plan some actionable steps to spread the word about your upcoming product and ask people to get notified. This will generate interest in your product and build a community of users before the launch day.
  • A newsletter to our current app users and collaborating with "building public" makers helped us solicit reviews of our app. Those who liked our app supported us during the Product Hunt launch day.
  • You definitely get benefits by collaborating with experienced Hunters on Product Hunt. However, it's worth noting that having an active profile on Product Hunt with badges for product launches and other activities, and more than 1k points, can also make you a strong candidate as a Hunter.
  • Additionally, we reached out to an influencer to be featured in their newsletter.
  • Personal connections played a significant role in our launch success. As Sasha and I are not new to the IT area, we have strong connections with our former colleagues and product communities who were glad to support us.
  • Don't forget to set up a Product Hunt banner for your website.
  • Create a detailed timeline plan for launch day and assign specific tasks to team members in advance. By scheduling out all the launch day actions ahead of time, you can avoid scrambling to send out support messages or wasting time trying to figure out what to do next.
There are a few steps that we failed to take, which we should have avoided.
  • Our first failure was releasing the web app too late, just one week before the Product Hunt launch day. To build a product community, it's best to promote the beta or MVP version at least four weeks before the launch. This approach ensures that you can obtain reliable users who support you. Using newsletters and social media promotion, you can attract initial upvotes without spending significant time and effort.

  • Our second failure was not allowing enough time to reach out to influencers, including "build-in public" makers and product managers of well-known products. To establish such connections, it's essential to begin a month or two before the Product Hunt launch day. By offering an exclusive privilege to review your new product and soliciting help to share their thoughts as experts, you can build strong, trusting relationships. Numerous tech-savvy individuals like to try new things and offer product advice. Additionally, you'll obtain ready-made reviews that you can share on social media to attract your users' support during the Product Hunt launch.

I have had experiences where one of my past products became the #1 product of the day solely due to the assistance of such influencers, without any other activities.

To sum up:

The Product Hunt platform functions as a vast social network for product makers, offering numerous advantages regardless of the stage of your startup. Whether you're seeking to validate an idea, attract initial users, or announce a new feature release, Product Hunt is a valuable platform that rewards your efforts with multiple benefits.

Sasha Dikan,
A founder and CEO.
✏︎ Tell us what you think

I hope that you will enjoy it as much as our team does!
Please write back to us at your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions on how we can make your working routines more efficient.

Spending most time at work, we want you to be able to enjoy it as much as you could, every step of the way.